I'm truly sorry for anyone that was reading my blog...and then there was nothing! :/
I am in the midst of launching a new monthly newspaper in my home town of Denver.
The paper will deal with all that has been discussed on this blog thus far, and much, MUCH more. It is called Metaphysical Journey and encompasses all realms of metaphysics and spirituality.
To tell the brief story...I was recently laid off from my full time job. In the midst of collecting myself the thought did occur to start another local newspaper, as it was something I had done before.
Yet...truly it was not something I held any interest in. But as I was watching a local fire dancing performance it dawned on me that this city, Denver, was in serious need of something of a different taste than the corporate, money grubbing conglomerates that it was used to.
Denver is home to a wide population of spiritualists. Yet...they have no voice.
I am now in the throws of this wonderful new project, with a business partner, and we are hurdling towards our new project. The first issue comes out the 25th of September, 2008.
SO anyone who is interested in this new, very much expanded version of this blog, please email me and I promise we will send you copies.
The light of us all is growing brighter...and is a roller coaster I am in the front row for.
I am hoping this weekend served as the needed rest that I was in dire need of. I wanted to explain a little at my online absence and lack of posts as of late. As I mentioned in an earlier blog I had received a letter from my mother that was...less than pleasant.
Unfortunately my parents and I have battled for quite some time. Without going into too much detail, the biological family I was born into has been plagued with much trauma and unhealthiness (emotional, mental and physical) over the years. This has deeply affected my relationship with my parents, and when I left the religion I was raised with, to which they are forever faithful and loyal to, it served as a crushing blow to our already weak relationship.
Despite my efforts over the years to maintain contact and some kind of correspondence, after a recent visit to my house, my mother has since cut everything off other than in cases of emergencies. For me, this, in addition to some statements made comparing me to a very abusive person, has proven to be the straw that broke the camels back.
Over a year ago a therapist I was seeing at the time had recommended that I terminate my relationship, entirely, with my parents. For the past year I have tried to find an alternative.
However I have now come to the realization that I must move on and unfortunately that will in fact equal a permanent disassociation with my parental units. I have expunged so much energy and love in attempts to be a family, and time and again have been met with the same response, "We love you, but must remain loyal to Jehovah."
Because of how I live my life, as in not devoting it to serving Jehovah (their god) nor living by his standards (I do not live by the bible in my life actions, I do not wait until marriage to have relations, along with many small and miscellaneous items) they follow the counsel of their religion, as shown in the bible, and refuse to associate with me.
October 30, 2008 will mark six years since I left their religion, their god and their terms of "right" and "wrong." All this time I've had the fantasy in the back of my mind that one day, for the first time really, we could actually be a family. In fact for much of the time I thought to myself that their distancing from me was something a result of something I had been doing, something wrong with me, hence causing them to shun me.
Finally I have come to the conviction that no matter what the consequence was, whether it was life in prison, the death penalty, sudden death at the hand of god, or even an eternity in a Catholic hell fire rubbing shoulders with the worst of humanity...there simply is nothing that would come between nor somehow stop me from being there with and for my child. A child is not only such an immense privilege but also my co-creation. Literally a part of me. An entire self choosing, independent person, who came from you, can choose for themselves yet still craves your love, attention and approval as a parent. It truly is a magnificent relationship.
So I have decided that in all things considered, the bottom line is I deserve better. And my constant seeking of approval and affection from two people that choose their faith over their son is simply and literally not worth the energy I've been putting into it.
I do not judge their decision. That is truly their own free will to do with as they choose. Just as it is my own free will to choose not to be a part of their decision anymore. All this time I have been letting myself feel this hurt over their personal choices.
Now with my spiritual path very much coming to an abundant life and fruition, I truly don't have that energy to spare on them anymore. There are plenty of people here on this beautiful Earth that are happy and inviting of the love and energy I have to give...and I can assure you giving to such ones is far more fulfilling for me.
I have therefore drafted a letter that I will be sending to my parents (no siblings as I am an only child) explaining all of this to them. The writing of this letter along with all the internal feelings and thoughts has SEVERELY depleted my energy.
I have been so weak I haven't been able to do any energy work or practice, my meditation techniques have been much less effective than usual. However I got some much deserved and much needed rest this weekend, as well as much encouragement from other old souls from times past, in sleep, that truly has given me the push I needed to get back on track.
I look forward to upcoming posts and the discussions they will bring with them.
Much love to all!
David Wilcock maintains a website, Divine Cosmos, which I have recently discovered. So far it is QUITE an encouraging and and exciting source of information! What is discussed below is excerpt from an article on his site. Everything that we have discussed thus far, keep in mind, as you read the below information.
Also if you click on the title of this blog it will take you to the full article, in which he also speaks of a reading he did for someone, and was able to channel an entity which I have NO doubt will grab your attention, quite assuredly.
Divine Cosmos - What is Ascension?: "Is “all this Ascension stuff” for real, or is it just the imbecile fantasy of people deeply divorced from reality? Here is what the media never tells you, at least not all at once.
We all know that the Earth is experiencing global warming and other changes, whether the petroleum giants like it or not. Just read the headlines.
What we may NOT know is the following:
SUN: The Sun’s magnetic field is over 230 percent stronger now than it was at the beginning of the 1900s, and its overall energetic activity has sizably increased, creating a frenzy of activity that continues to embarrass NASA’s official predictions.
VENUS: Venus is now glowing in the dark, as is Jupiter’s moon Io.
EARTH: In the last 30 years, Earth’s icecaps have thinned out by as much as 40 percent. Quite inexplicably, just since 1997 the structure of the Earth has shifted from being slightly more egg-shaped, or elongated at the poles, to more pumpkin-shaped, or flattened at the poles. No one at NASA has even bothered to try to explain this yet. Link to full article at NASA.
MARS: The icecaps of Mars noticeably melted just within one year, causing 50-percent changes in surface features. Atmospheric density had risen by 200 percent above previous observations as of 1997.
JUPITER: Jupiter has become so highly energized that it is now surrounded by a visibly glowing donut tube of energy in the path of the moon Io. The size of Jupiter’s magnetic field has more than doubled since 1992.
SATURN: Saturn’s polar regions have been noticeably brightening, and its magnetic field strength increasing.
URANUS: According to NASA’s Voyager II space probe, Uranus and Neptune both appear to have had recent magnetic pole shifts – 60 degrees for Uranus and 50 for Neptune.
NEPTUNE: Neptune has become 40 percent brighter in infrared since 1996, and is fully 100-percent brighter in certain areas. Also, Neptune’s moon Triton has had a “very large percentage increase” in atmospheric pressure and temperature, comparable to a 22-degree Fahrenheit increase on Earth.
PLUTO: As of September 2002, Pluto has experienced a 300-percent increase in its atmospheric pressure in the last 14 years, while also becoming noticeably darker in color.
Everything you have just read is referenced from mainstream media sources, and the full list of relevant links can be found within chapter eight of Divine Cosmos. The whole key to mass media control is to ensure that these facts are never seen all at the same time. It becomes “all too weird” once we add in the ever-increasingly stressful socio-political events on Earth, such as a “perpetual war against terrorism,” with the smirking Bush as Wild-West-Messiah-In-Chief playing “Bring ‘em On for Armageddon,” along with the fulfillment of many other ancient prophecies, including those of the Judeo-Christian Bible.
Here at DivineCosmos.com, we have freely published a compelling scientific case for there being a Convergence, Shift of the Ages, dimensional shift or Ascension now underway. When this solar-system-wide process is complete, estimated to be within the timeframe of 2010-2013, we can expect an “Omega Point” event that is literally “beyond our wildest dreams.” The changes in the Solar System are only the more obvious and physical result of these changes, where the energy of consciousness itself is being upgraded, causing mass evolution to occur.
But, alas. Undeniable Solar System changes aside, isn’t this all just too good to be true, on this Bush-whacked planet?
Why not? Wouldn’t something like this be a nice surprise, to say the least? What other explanation fits for the whole Solar System going through this metamorphosis, while similarly huge events are happening at an accelerating rate in Earth society? How about including the fact that almost every established body of historical spiritual teaching, from all cultures, has some form of prediction about this event that is now coming true?
(end of excerpt)
Again, I strongly advise reading the entire post :)
Greetings dear ones! I apologize for not having any fresh posts this past week. There have been some things in this 3d world that have been taking up my attention and energy. I had planned on posting some new articles today, have several in mind and in the works. However I received a letter from my mother that is.....disheartening, to say the least. It has certainly stolen my enthusiasm today.
In any event, there will be some new posts coming that I will be excited to write, and hopefully you will be excited to read.
One of the new topics to come will be on Channeling. I recently had quite an interesting experience that I wanted to share.
Until next time!
Greetings dear ones!
Recently in an article posted on The Spirit Guide mention was made of a conversation in which judgment was passed because ones path and beliefs were not in tune with the Bible. As one brought up in a strict religious environment with the ultimate importance and life decisions placed on the Bible, I thought it would be a great opportunity to begin a series on the Bible.
In this series we will discuss the Bible as we know it today, the variety of translations, differences in these translations and people’s reasons for following the teachings in the Bible. This first set of information, though at times can be a little dull, will provide a crucial foundation for the information that will follow.
What is this information? Very simply put, with the aid of history one can see precisely where any inspiration from a higher power changed to what man thought was best in regards to the Bible. Did you know that the Bible as we have it today is incomplete? Yes in fact both for the Old and New Testament that there are many, many more writings. I will show you what these are, where they were found, by whom, when and why it was they were not included in the Bible canon.
First and foremost let me make two points perfectly clear:
1. All statements of fact WILL be backed up with reference(s) for you to research on your own. I would never purpose to present myself as some kind of independent “authority” on the Bible. Any knowledge I have of the subject is from my own reading, not my own ideas.
2. My official opinion of the Bible should me made clear, in all fairness, right from the beginning. I see the Bible simply as….INK ON PAPER. As such, like many books, there can be a wonderful message and statements of fact and/or wisdom. This does not mean however, like every other book, that it equals an unquestionable authority for living our lives.
Again, my opinions are not based on my own bias but rather as a result of the reading I’ve done and will be sharing with you.
SO, let’s give everyone some great, eyebrow raising questions to pose to your favorite pastor, minister, elder or priest :)
Where to Begin?
For thousands of years the Bible has been an authoritative source to man, spanning the globe, a collection of translations in a multitude of languages. Wars have been fought over it’s contents and teachings. People have been imprisoned, tortured and burned alive for displaying characteristics presumed to be the work of the Devil.
In the modern world ones interpretation of and practice of belief in the Bible has affected elections as well as served as a basis for central powers to take control of countries, to create and change laws.
Indeed, based on human history, the Bible has shaped, for good and for bad, peoples lives. Yes the very existence, actions and purpose of humankind is explained, instructed and judged all within the Bible.
What are some examples of human conflicts over religion, and hence the Bible? The first that comes to my mind is the Crusades . Other popular examples are the French Wars of Religion, the Reconquista , Catholics versus Protestants in England and my all time favorite World War II and the Nazi Bible.
Yes that’s right, Adolf Hitler who some believe was actually a Christian , re-wrote passages in the Bible to enhance his teachings of the Aryan agenda. When I first read of this, the question I asked myself is how could people actually follow and believe such teachings in this day and age? Anyone outside of Germany surely would see through such propaganda.
Well my friend, can you really say that throughout history there have not been other, similar changes made for similar reasons? Do you know, without question, the Bible sitting on your bookshelf right now has not been similarly tampered with? Did you in fact research, beyond the printing on the dust jacked of your Bible, how your particular translation came to be about and why it is better for you than another?
As we know it today, in the Western Christian world, the Bible consists of 66 writings, or individual books. There are 39 books which make up the Old Testament beginning with Genesis and ending with Malachi. The New Testament begins with the gospels named as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and ends with the book of Revelation.
Common translations include The King James version, the New International Version, the New Living Translation, the New American Standard , the New Revised Standard Version, Young’s Literal Translation and the New Jerusalem Bible. Less common, though mass produced, are the Book of Mormon, which Mormons use congruently with the Bible, and the New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Topic #1: The Bible - Divinely Inspired?
The first topic, and by far the most relevant to our discussion, is what about the Bible sets it as an authority? Such an authority that masses upon masses of people have used as their guide for living their daily lives?
2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Version)
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
2 Timothy 3:16 (New World Translation)
All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,
2 Timothy 3:16 (King James Version)
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16 (Young's Literal Translation)
every Writing [is] God-breathed, and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for setting aright, for instruction that [is] in righteousness,
What is listed above is a very simple basis and example of one idea, that of divine inspiration. In fact in ONE sentence it is declared as fact that an entire body of work the composition of which spanned many years and had many different writers ALL comes from God. By that very statement it is asserted that all scripture is above reproof, above question and is to be viewed as nothing less than the very voice of God. Who are mere humans to ignore such a force?
Though followers of the Bible agree that it is infallible, their actions show otherwise. How many Christian denominations are there in world? Certainly more than I can name off the top of my head, yet they as Christians all believe in Jesus Christ as their savior, hence their salvation is a result of their unbreakable faith in him. They read the same Bible, yet come to different conclusions on practice. Why is this?
Unfortunately not all verses in the Bible are as clear in content as 2 Timothy 3:16. Just take a few minutes to peruse the book of Revelation and this will be abundantly clear. In addition the age old debate of accuracy of translations and application of the Bible has caused many to leave churches, or even start their own.
In the above examples you can see very MILD examples of this. Take for instance the difference in the phrase, “profitable for teaching,” as referenced in the Young’s Literal Translation and “profitable for doctrine” as used in the King James version.
Dictionary.com defines the root word of teaching, teach, as “to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in.”
Dictionary.com defines doctrine as “a particular principle, position, or policy taught or advocated, as of a religion or government: Catholic doctrines; the Monroe Doctrine.”
Imagine if you only had access to the King James version and instead of seeing the Bible as a device meant to teach, it was a tool of religious or governmental policy. Certainly that is a quite a contrast, affecting your life, based on a single word.
The King James version of the Bible contains approximately 783,137 words.
(as a comparison Tolstoy’s epic War and Peace contains approximately 560,000 words.) Therefore, strictly speaking in a numbers sense, that is 783,137 possible variations from one translation to the next. As we saw above, even a difference in a single word can cause a different meaning for the reader.
So then, not only does one scripture tell the reader they are reading the words of God, but it also can either be the difference between teachings and policy.
Surely one of your questions is similar to mine. How can the contents within a book certify that same book as authoritative? E.g. If J.K. Rowling asserted that the Harry Potter series was not actually a work of fiction but instead a true account of a real person, would you believe her? Or instead would you want outside opinions and proof to show what the truth really is?
So then why do the masses take the Bible as inspired by God? What is contained within the Bible, not just what religious leaders say, that convinces them it is from God?
This will be the topic of the next article in the series. We will see examples of scriptures claiming divine inspiration, as well as examples from other sources, outside of the Bible giving similar information, yet that are not viewed as divinely inspired.
As a follow up to my last post I present this story. This very dear man chose to step outside his "known" path. The very definition of his life goal, to achieve something was greater than himself. Can you honestly say the end result was not worth the sacrifice?
JUST because it is not in your known plan, or perhaps it creates discomfort with yourself or seems too hard...does that somehow negate the importance, or relevance what needs to be done?
Do NOT submerge the uncomfortable. The unknown. The fear that lies in us ALL.
Listen to what you feel, scary as it may be at times. You've breathed before. You've bled before. You've chosen to do what is tough, what the herd cannot even fathom.
Continue on your path dear one. Follow this mans example.
Greetings dear ones!
This is a very crucial time for us all. INDEED. As you begin your awakening path you will feel moments of distress. You will see steps ahead of you on your path that are very much unwanted...yet they are vital.
Do NOT shut these out. Listen to the imprints on yourself, explaining the reasons for such perceived "wrongs."
What you THINK you want may not be the actual course of your path. Before feeling the imposition to self, you must look at the affect of the whole.
Just as discomfort in the human body can lead to realization of a deeper problem, and that solution...Your own dismay is part of a bigger picture. Do not look at only the scene of your discomfort, but the entire film.
YOU, dear lightworker, are part of the source. The merits of your work will show themselves, despite the discomfort you now sense.
Peace be with us all.
Another series that will is coming on Indigo Insight will about lightworkers. As a friend and fellow indigo recently told me, she tends to stay away from using the term "indigo" to refer to herself or anyone else because of the general conception of elitism in indigos (I feel this is due to the way the media has presented the information). Instead she uses the term lightworker. (Some also use the term energy worker.)
As I have mentioned in my earlier posts in the Indigo Child series, indigos are no "better" or more privileged than anyone else. In fact, it can be quite a tough road at times. It simply means our very stubborn nature has led us to keep a bit more awareness each incarnation than perhaps those around us. Plain and simple.
EVERY single human can choose to be a lightworker. All will have different skills that can be shared with humanity. How is that EVERYONE can be a lightworker? Because we are all connected as a collective consciousness.
A wonderful analogy was used by a dear friend of mine, who continues on her path of awakening. When explaining this idea to her, she thought of it as a cell in a body. A cell is unique and very much it's own entity, however it also is part of a vast collective and ever changing whole, which is our body.
Therefore, even those who are not old souls (or "onetimers" as some refer to them) can choose to be lightworkers in their life.
In an effort to bring more attention to this wonderful work, I will posting a multi part series on what it means to truly be a lightworker and the wonderful things that have and can be accomplished.
The video below does a wonderful job at breaking things down very simply. As a warm up to upcoming discussion I recommend watching it.
Physically Sharing Human Energy
Do you REALLY want to know someone?
Several people have recently asked me what I mean in conversation or email when I talk about “sharing energy.” Some have taken that simply as two people spending time together, hence their natural energies are sharing. While this is true there can be MUCH more to enjoy from it.
Have you heard of Reiki? Many are aware of it, as it is an ancient Japanese healing technique. Recently more and more practitioners have spring up all over the U.S.
The same principles related to Reiki apply to each of us. Referencing back to my article on auras, we all have a natural bio field and energy that flows through us as living creatures. This energy is like anything else inherent to us, such as emotions and intent, and can be shared with others.
To be quite honest, it is almost like a drug in it’s addictiveness. One must be open within themselves to truly feel this energy sharing, but I assure there will be absolutely NO question when you do feel it. It is a vastly unique physical sensation.
First, you must focus your energy, similar to what you do in meditation or breathing techniques. I personally visualize my energy inside by body as a glowing entity, which grows stronger with my desire.
Second, we all have a sending hand and a receiving hand. I will give you the traditional values for this as I personally am a bit odd and use the same hand for both. The majority of people write with their dominant hand. Your dominant hand is your sending hand and your other hand is for receiving.
Sit or stand next to your friend, hold your sending hand closely over (or directly on if you feel more comfortable that way) their receiving hand. Combine the two above steps. Have your energy focused and harnessed, then as a very easy and natural thought choose to use your sending hand as a conduit, similar to an umbilical chord, to transfer your energy into them. Do not try to focus too much. It should be a very fluid thought and emotion. Just as focusing too hard on a thought resulting in the thought being forgotten. Just let yourself do it naturally.
Everybody’s energy is different, because it is a signature of that individual, so the feelings the receiver gets can vary. Those participating are literally giving and receiving themselves. Ones entire statement of self, their inner self, their intentions, heart motivations etc. are given and received. It is like implanting yourself into someone’s brain and emotions in the same action.
The first time I did this I was receiving energy from my teacher. Her signature was very strong, and it reminded me of how your hand feels when it’s asleep, only with a much warmer temperature. Another friend’s energy was cool and calming, almost breezy.
As you practice this technique you will gain more and more control and be able to make different shapes with your energy. My teacher and I will play games where she makes a certain shape in my hand and I have to guess what that shape is. She also can send her energy out of specific fingers. Visualize how fingers look as they type on a keyboard, or play a piano. She can make different strengths of energies from those individual fingers, and acting as though she is playing the piano prick your hand at precise spots, to where you only feel her energy where she just pricked you, like with a needle.
As I said earlier, it is very addictive. It is unlike any other human feeling you have ever felt. The first time I experienced it, the first thought that raced through my mind was “I’m home.”
You can also practice with yourself. Use the same technique, only instead of sending to someone else send to your own receiving hand. I use this practice personally, and usually end up playing with my own personal “beach ball” of energy.
It will further cement to you the power of your own spirit, mind and body. It can help to cleanse yourself. Just as doing strength training or exercise is good your body, energy work is good for your mind and soul.
Try it out and let me know your experience with it!
What IS an Indigo Child? – BY an Indigo Child
Part II:
Indigo Awakening: Welcome to the Matrix
Man of you have seen the movie The Matrix Any who haven’t I strongly recommend seeing it.
The process that you have started, or may begin at some point, is much like what is described and portrayed in the first Matrix movie.
As Neo stands in a crowded club, waiting for something to happen, in his first encounter with Trinity she tells him, “The truth is out there, Neo. It's looking for you and it will find you, if you want it to.”
How many of us have felt that, many times, throughout our life? Something, a truth, an answer that is so close we can almost taste it, yet it remains aloof.
What I’d like to do now is insert a portion of The Matrix script. At this point in the film it is the first face to face encounter Neo has with Morpheus, and I feel it sets a good mood for our topic.
I imagine, right now, you must be
feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling
down the rabbit hole?
You could say that.
I can see it in your eyes. You
have the look of a man who accepts
what he sees because he is
expecting to wake up.
A smile, razor-thin, curls the corner of his lips.

Ironically, this is not far from
the truth. But I'm getting ahead
of myself. Can you tell me, Neo,
why are you here?
You're Morpheus, you're a legend.
Most hackers would die to meet
Yes. Thank you. But I think we
both know there's more to it than
that. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Why not?
Because I don't like the idea that
I'm not in control of my life.
I know exactly what you mean.
Again, that smile that could cut glass.
Let me tell you why you are here.
You are here because you have the
What gift?
I've watched you, Neo. You do not
use a computer like a tool. You
use it like it was part of
yourself. What you can do inside
a computer is not normal. I know.
I've seen it. What you do is
Neo shrugs.
It's not magic.
But it is, Neo. It is. How else
would you describe what has been
happening to you?
He leans forward.
We are trained in this world to
accept only what is rational and
logical. Have you ever wondered
Neo shakes his head.
As children, we do not separate
the possible from the impossible
which is why the younger a mind is
the easier it is to free while a
mind like yours can be very
Free from what?
From the Matrix.
Neo locks at his eyes but only sees a reflection of
Do you want to know what it is,
Neo swallows and nods his head.
It's that feeling you have had all
your life. That feeling that
something was wrong with the
world. You don't know what it is
but it's there, like a splinter in
your mind, driving you mad,
driving you to me. But what is
The LEATHER CREAKS as he leans back.
The Matrix is everywhere, it's all
around us, here even in this room.
You can see it out your window, or
on your television. You feel it
when you go to work, or go to
church or pay your taxes. It is
the world that has been pulled
over your eyes to blind you from
the truth.
What truth?
That you are a slave, Neo. That
you, like everyone else, was born
into bondage...
... kept inside a prison that you
cannot smell, taste, or touch. A
prison for your mind.
Outside, the WIND BATTERS a loose PANE of glass.
Unfortunately, no one can be told
what the Matrix is. You have to
see it for yourself.
Hold out your hands.
In Neo's right hand, Morpheus drops a red pill.
In his left, a blue pill.
You take the blue pill and the
story ends. You wake in your bed
and you believe whatever you want
to believe.
The pills in his open hands are reflected in the glasses.
You take the red pill and you stay
in Wonderland and I show you how
deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Neo feels the smooth skin of the capsules, with the
moisture growing in his palms.
Remember that all I am offering is
the truth. Nothing more.
Cheshire smile returns.
Follow me.
My guess, dear ones, is that as you watched this movie, or even read the words for the first time here, that you get a very familiar sense, a feeling you can’t quite explain.
It is true! Right now you are peeking into the rabbit’s hole, and just not quite sure what to make of it. Following the Matrix parallel imagine yourself as Neo. Sitting there, a foreign voice speaking to you, emotions enveloping your very being…unknown to you by your logical mind, yet familiar to you in a way you can’t quite explain.
This feeling is a combination of several elements. This is the programming in your brain, in fact in the very matter that makes up your body, calling out to you. This is your over soul speaking to you and it is the WEALTH of knowledge gathered from all your past incarnations rising to the surface. And the best part, I say smiling, is that it’s ALL a part of YOU and who “you” are, right NOW.
In this parallel as Neo, imagine that Morpheus is an extension of yourself. You are having a two sided conversation, fact as presented to you against the “facts” you think you know, but feel otherwise about.
As an old soul, by which I mean a soul that has lived on Earth before this moment, you have gained lifetimes of knowledge. Each time that you incarnate, that you are inserted into The Matrix so to speak, you start fresh in the physical realm, yet very developed in the spiritual realm.
For Indigos this can be a very tough life experience. The outer world that you know and see everyone around you operating in, something that you are “supposed” to be a part of, seems foreign to you. You feel out of place. At times even just walking down the street or in a crowd of people you are at odds with those around you, you feel different.
The thoughts that cross your mind and emotions that swell you are unable to explain where they come from, or make any sense of how to apply them.
At times, when your guard is down, you feel as though you will go on to do great things. Not just in a secular sense as this world promotes, such as going to school, having a career and being a successful capitalist. No, you feel as though this fire that burns inside of you, if only able to let it loose, will serve to help the whole world and no one can stop you because your conviction is so strong.
You feel there is always more you must do. Many accomplishments, big and small, you pass over as not enough.
It is as if you are in a foreign country. Everyone bustles around you speaking a language that you just don’t quite understand, and if only people would listen, and you, the REAL you, could speak things would suddenly be different.
Have you ever felt that way? If so, then believe me, you are not alone.
Why is this? This is because, to use the Matrix parallel again, there is a program that you have written for yourself, and it specifically requires you to feel this way.
That’s right. You are in fact a human alarm clock, ticking away until the appropriate time when your internal alarm goes off, and you begin to feed yourself with the knowledge you hold from other lives. This knowledge is immeasurable. It is information that, just like you felt but couldn’t explain, can and does change the world.
How so? Again, reference the Matrix. Neo was brought out of the Matrix by those who were aware of the reality. They put him in a place to show him. They taught him what they had learned. What happened? The very things that he was “learning” he began to excel, and exceed at.
You are living in a spiritual matrix. The world and it’s religions and politics and power has conditioned all of us to believe something, to call it reality, when in all facts of the matter it is nothing more than a farce.
The love, the knowledge, the pure intent and the yearning for connection and the power that you hold is the reality. As an Indigo you are here to usher in a new level of thought, a new level of emotion, a new level of connectedness that until now people refused to accept.
That is why you, yes YOU, CHOSE to be here. At this place, at this time. At some point in your history you have the conscious CHOICE that this is what you wanted to do. You would not be here otherwise. Which is why, until you do what you set out to, there is a hole within yourself that can’t be filled with anything else.
Unfortunately, waking up to our spiritual path is not as easy as simply taking a pill. It is something that usually is preceeded by life dilemmas and/or changes. We begin on a path when in fact we don’t know where we’re stepping. Perhaps it is opening our minds to new thoughts, new teachings or new beliefs. It could be growth as a person, such as overcoming an addiction, a secular life course, discontinuing a bad relationship (romantic or otherwise).
Many people find themselves at a life crossroads. Some choose to change. Some choose to carry on. Neither is right nor wrong. It is about the individual, and choice.
When one fully chooses, as in from the very and deepest definition of who they are, to change and open up, that is when you are opening your door. Your alarm clock is going off, screaming at you in fact, to WAKE UP and see that things are DIFFERENT than what you’ve come to accept. What people tell you is real. What society, the masses, the great herd of humans accept simply as how things are.
When that happens, as a very old and wise Indigo recently told me with a contagious smirk on her young face, “It’s a wild ride isn’t it?”
So my dear friend, welcome to your spiritual matrix! Once you take that step, there is no going back. It is a decision we all must make. In fact not making a decision, or saying “I’ll wait and see what happens,” is choosing to do nothing. There is no right and wrong. No black and white. No good and evil.
In this sense…it is all about you and that alarm clock you set. Are you going to wake up, or are you going to keep hitting snooze?
Bra's 2 or more $19.50 each, Plus special offer at Frederick's
I wanted to apologize if any readers have had issues over the last 24 hours accessing the site. I recently registered a custom domain, www.indigoinsight.org, and the transition has been a little bumpy as I am not the best with web issues. However, Wayne from www.waynejohn.com is going to help this weekend, so come Monday things should even better than before!
I am very eager to this taken care of as I have several blogs I want to publish, but haven't been able to get them up because of the back end issues.
I hope to have some time to post today and this weekend.
Thanks to all the readers!
Wayne from WayneJohn recommended I make my posts shorter and update them more frequently. I think he is totally correct. It will make things much easier to read and digest.
SO if anyone has been turned off by the length of the articles so far, I apologize. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback.
Recently I have seen some amazing pictures with orbs. An example is the above picture. This was taken around midnight at a local cemetery. I can tell you the orb you see is not the moon or some kind of other light reflection as there were no lights near by. There was nothing visible to the eye floating in the sky, yet you can see what the camera saw and picked up.
What are these orbs? Are they spirits? Are they a form of energy? It is an interesting question to ponder indeed.
There are plenty of such photos you can see online, such as this site here .
Have any such photos of your own? Please share :)
I am so excited to finally be able to publish this article, as it has been quite a bit of information gathering and there is an abundance of side roads that can be taken with this wealth of information. My hope is to stay focused on the topics mentioned above, and as the discussion expands through reader comments and questions, we can explore all those avenues.
To begin with, I’d like to set the mental mood for taking in this information. As independent Homo sapiens, we have the ability of choice. In everything we do we make a choice. For the sake of truly digesting the information in this article, I would ask that all predispositions of “reality” be put aside for a few minutes. As Albert Einstein put it, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
That being said, I’m not here to push any theory or statement on you. We all must look within ourselves for the ring of truth. Let’s get started!
The Aura: Existence?
In the western realm, such as the U.S., the term aura usually is associated with the new age movement. The “New Age” movement conjures up an array of assumptions from many people ranging from a new term for hippies to a politically correct term for occultists or pagans.
The actuality is that the aura is something that pre-dates the church itself. In fact, to even refer to it as a pagan term or thought would inaccurate.

Throughout quite diverse cultures, there are spiritual traditions and beliefs centered on the belief in auras, and as it is spread out all over the Earth, you will find multiple terms for it.
India had spiritual practices, dating back 5,000 years, regarding Prana which when translated from Sanskrit literally means: Vital energy or life principle. Literally, "vital air," from the root pran, "to breathe."
The Chinese, dating back 3,000 years called it Qi or Qigong.
The Jewish Kaballah refers to it as Astral Light.
In the 12th century Dr. Ambroise-Auguste LiĆ©beault founder of The Nancy School said, “Humans have an energy that can react on someone else's energy, either at a distance or close by.”
In the 19th century the German scientist Franze Mesmer redefined hypnosis, techniques which are still used today, and suggested that the “a field similar to an electromagnetic field might exist around the human body.” Later in the 19th century, Carl Reichenback referred to it as the Odic Source. His book, Physico-physiological Researches on the Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemism, In Their Relation to Vital Force, printed in New York in 1851, stated that the odic force, like poles, attract similar energies. His experiments showed that electropositive elements gave his subjects feelings of warmth, and that this produced unpleasant feelings. In the reverse, electronegative elements produced cool and agreeable feelings.
Just with the above-mentioned instances there are stark contrasts in cultures, geographic location and time periods, yet they ALL have belief systems and practices based around this human energy field (HEF). Also note, that through all of these references, there is not a common source listed for this knowledge. E.g., Christianity spread with the creation of the Catholic Church and the Bible, hence Christianity as a whole spread all over the world from one source.
However, in the above examples this is not the case. The Sanskrit translations of prana had no bearing on the Kabbalah. Yet, this large number of people from all walks of life taught the same basic premise.
Hence the study and belief of auras is nothing new, in fact is far from it. That leads us to the next part of the question. If it’s not new age but instead an ancient teaching, what have modern studies been able to prove about auras?
The Aura: Modern Studies
In 1911 Walter Kilner
devised a way of seeing the HEF or aura. Looking through glass screens stained with dicyanin dye, he saw a glowing mist around the body in three distinct zones:
1. A 1/4 inch layer closest to skin;
2. A more vaporous layer, 1 inch wide, streaming perpendicularly from the body;
3. A delicate exterior luminosity with indefinite contours, about 6 inches wide.
His work was later published in New York in 1965 and entitled The Human Aura, in which he stated that this HEF varied from person to person based on their physical, emotional and mental health. With this information he was able to record commonalities he saw within people who were suffering from certain ailments and in later times was able to diagnose such health issues within people.
He successfully treated many conditions, including epilepsy, liver disease, tumors, appendicitis, and hysteria. Research based on his work continues to this day in Europe.
Perhaps the most well known researcher in this arena is Semyon Kirlian
who invented what is now known as Kirlian photography. By photographing plants, they were able to see static images, which they then applied to human fingers. Then with their own, patented, photography equipment used this technique to see the variances in the HEF, and was able to apply this and point out the differences in the HEF between healthy subjects and those harboring a disease.
By now, if you’re anything like me your head feels a little cramped right about now. Though these past studies are all important I usually like to sum them up very simply by telling myself that past studies laid the groundwork for what we now can see through the current state of our technology. Similar to the difference between cramming my head with all the details of how Henry Ford invented his horseless carriage versus jumping ahead to the current technology.
So let’s take a jump!
Aura: The Science of It
As we learned in school, there is great power in life. Plants must have sunlight in order for proper photosynthesis, which in turn helps produce the very air we are breathing right now. Light can also have a negative effect on us, such as too much UV light, which can cause numerous problems for the human body such as skin cancer.
As stated by Colourenergy.com “Our most important energy source is light, and the entire spectrum of colours is derived from light. Sunlight, which contains all the wavelengths, consists of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that we depend on to exist on this planet.
Light flows through our eyes and triggers hormone production, which influences our entire complex biochemical system. This biochemical system then affects our being. And light does not travel alone. Light travels with other energies as illustrated below.
We know that each colour found in the visible light spectrum has its own wavelength and its own frequency, which produces a specific energy and has a nutritive effect. We know some rays can be dangerous if we are exposed to them. But the visible light, the rainbow, has a soothing effect on us.”

Based on what we have covered so far there have been multiple examples of people seeing SOME kind of emanation from the human body. There are those that would argue that really doesn’t prove anything. Just because something present doesn’t mean it, there is cohesion between its existence and ours. That’s a very valid point. However even in studies conducted for a completely different purpose, there are interesting facts that clue us in the validity of auras.
Take a small journey back to 1998. The Y2K fear is spreading and a large part of the technological boom is cell phones. Now it would seem everyone is using them. The question was raised whether or not this new technology could potentially harm anyone.
As report by Science Daily Dr. Gerard Hyland conducted a study on the effects of microwave radiation (such as those found in cell phones) on the human body. What did he discover as a by-product of his research?
“This summer Dr Hyland will give two papers at international conferences outlining his research into the phenomenon that biological systems, including the human body, generate and emit extremely low intensity radiation in the form of photons (a microscopic packet of light energy), and that these photon emissions are not random but display coherence.”
They display COHERENCE. Not only does the human body emit light energy, but that energy has coherence.
Let’s go a step further. ;)
Gustave Naessens, a French microbiologist who is still carrying out his research in Canada, through hematology studies has found tiny particles of dancing light present in human blood that were too small to identify. He then invented what he calls a somatascope, a microscope with a magnification of 30,000 times, and a resolution of 150 angstroms.
Through this equipment, he studied these particles, naming them the somatid, and states that without this somatid cell division can’t take place. He believes, “that the somatid is the original spark of life, the pinpoint where energy condenses into matter," and that the "somatid represents the manifestation of cosmic energy in a tiny, moving dot of physicality," as printed in A New Answer to Cancer in 'Well-Being', September/October, 1993.


What does all this us? Let’s take a quick tally of what we’ve covered. Multiple ancient cultures and belief structures have an array of writings covering the HEF. Researchers in later times developed techniques to view this HEF. Modern science with the aid of technology has learned that these light particles truly at the very fiber of humans, and that this energy has coherence.
Have scientists come right and said we all have auras? No. In addition, I surmise it will yet be some time before any of them make such a statement, if at all. Staunch evolutionists refuse to believe in a higher power, and staunch religious advocates refuse to believe in evolution. This debate will continue yet for a time.
I personally am thankful for these polar opposites, this yin and yang. The very stubborn nature of science to prove, without a doubt, in front of their own very eyes propagates the motivation for humans to re-create something they can’t explain in experiments. This attitude by far can be quite powerful. Why? Because it puts the power of humanity back in the hands of humans.
In the same vain the beliefs that religion instills in people is also helpful. Putting aside the doctrines, dogma and politics that comes with any religion, it teaches people to believe in something more than what they see in the mirror everyday. This based on a “knowing” that is felt, not scientifically proven.
Though they currently are often on different sides of the cosmic conundrum, they each serve a purpose.
My question to you is…what would happen if you could mesh the two together?
If as humans we could accept both creation AND science as part of our core being, letting the two naturally enhance the other, two poles coming together, would that not truly enhance the very essence that is this experiment we call humanity?
Our belief in something more, something we feel, something we know used as a basis and in harmony with the motivation of science to prove and re-create, in my humble opinion, would help all of us.
The possibilities truly are endless. I would invite readers to tell us what you think could be done if the two began working together. If you could use such knowledge to do ANYTHING, what would it be?
In that vein, what if I told you this had already happened? What if I told you that in fact we are a walking experiment, of the combination of science and creation, of science and spirituality?
Well my friend, then you must read the future articles. The upcoming articles on Indigo children will cover this, as well as aura colors and their meaning, and some speculation about aura details of historical figures.
Stay tuned!

I had such a wonderful experience last night that I had to share it with all you. The LOVELY Ms. Daniell at The Spirit Guide gave me a fantastic psychic reading. She is in Canada and did it over the computer, via a picure I sent her. I must say I was very pleased with her accuracy, and her energy felt fantastic! I have added her feed to Indigo Insight, and I highly recommend checking her site. THANK YOU DANIELL!
I also need to give a big shoutout to Wayne from WayneJohn who helped with the coding for the new look of Indigo Insight, and who has given me much encouragement with this blog and getting it out there. THANKS WAYNE!!
Finally, I stumbled on to a website last night that is be re-vamped and I can't wait until it's back up. They do have a myspace you can check out, it's linked on their page. I recommend checking out 3eg. Wonderful artwork, as displayed below.

Happy Saturday everyone!
Enjoy :)
Post Wire Services
June 17, 2008 -- The brains of gay men and women look like those found in straight people of the opposite sex, research suggests.
A Swedish study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults. In gay men and straight women, each half was similar in size; the right side was bigger in lesbian women and straight men.
'In other words, the brain network which determines what sexual orientation actually 'orients' towards is similar between gay men and straight women, and between lesbian women and straight men,' Dr. Qazi Rahman of the University of London told the BBC.
'As far as I'm concerned, there is no argument any more - if you are gay, you are born gay.'
Scientists have noticed for some time that homosexuals of both sexes have differences in certain cognitive abilities, suggesting there may be subtle differences in their brain structure.
This is the first time, however, scientists have used brain scanners to try to look for the source of those differences.
The test group of gay and straight men and women was scanned by Karolinska Institute scientists to measure the volume of both sides, or hemispheres, of their brains.
When the results were collected, it was found lesbian women and straight men shared a particular "asymmetry" in their hemisphere size - but straight women and gay men had no difference between the size of the different halves.
In other words, structurally at least, gay men were more like straight women, and gay women were more like straight men.
A further experiment found that in one particular area of the brain, the amygdala, there were other significant differences.
In heterosexual men and lesbian women, there were more nerve "connections" in the right side of the amygdala, compared with the left.
The reverse was true in the case of gay men and straight women, with more neural connections in the left amygdala.
Technorati Profile
Read the article below and I have no doubt it will get your brain juices flowing, just like it did for me.
Future articles will tie this information in with the connection between DNA and Indigo Children, the connection between the latest discoveries in Science and how that correlates with what the Sumerians talked about, and how those statements made by Sumerians have been proven true in modern times.
It's allllllll connected ;)
DNA - Encoded Messages - Dennis Overbye - Essay - New York Times: "Human DNA, the Ultimate Spot for Secret Messages (Are Some There Now?)
Jimmy Turrell
In Douglas Adams’s science fiction classic, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” there is a character by the name of Slartibartfast, who designed the fjords of Norway and left his signature in a glacier.
I was reminded of Slartibartfast recently as I was trying to grasp the implications of the feat of a team of Japanese geneticists who announced that they had taught relativity to a bacterium, sort of.
Using the same code that computer keyboards use, the Japanese group, led by Masaru Tomita of Keio University, wrote four copies of Albert Einstein’s famous formula, E=mc2, along with “1905,” the date that the young Einstein derived it, into the bacterium’s genome, the 4.2-million-long string of A’s, G’s, T’s and C’s that determine everything the little bug is and everything it’s ever going to be.
The point was not to celebrate Einstein. The feat, they said in a paper published in the journal Biotechnology Progress, was a demonstration of DNA as the ultimate information storage material, able to withstand floods, terrorism, time and the changing fashions in technology, not to mention the ability to be imprinted with little unobtrusive trademark labels — little “Made by Monsanto” tags, say.
In so doing they have accomplished at least a part of the dream that Jaron Lanier, a computer scientist and musician, and David Sulzer, a biologist at Columbia, enunciated in 1999. To create the ultimate time capsule as part of the millennium festivities at this newspaper, they proposed to encode a year’s worth of the New York Times magazine into the junk DNA of a cockroach. “The archival cockroach will be a robust repository,” Mr. Lanier wrote, “able to survive almost all conceivable scenarios.”
If cockroaches can be archives, why not us? The human genome, for example, consists of some 2.9 billion of those letters — the equivalent of about 750 megabytes of data — but only about 3 percent of it goes into composing the 22,000 or so genes that make us what we are.
The remaining 97 percent, so-called junk DNA, looks like gibberish. It’s the dark matter of inner space. We don’t know what it is saying to or about us, but within that sea of megabytes there is plenty of room for the imagination to roam, for trademark labels and much more. The King James Bible, to pick one obvious example, only amounts to about five megabytes.
Inevitably, if you are me, you begin to wonder if there is already something written in the warm wet archive, whether or not some Slartibartfast has already been here and we ourselves are walking around with little trademark tags or more wriggling and squiggling and folded inside us. Gill Bejerano, a geneticist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who mentioned Slartibartfast to me, pointed out that the problem with raising this question is that people who look will see messages in the genome even if they aren’t there — the way people have claimed in recent years to have found secret codes in the Bible.
Nevertheless, no less a personage than Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the double helix, writing with the chemist Leslie Orgel, now at the Salk Institute in San Diego, suggested in 1973 that the primitive Earth was infected with DNA broadcast through space by an alien species.
As a result, it has been suggested that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI, should look inward as well as outward. In an article in New Scientist, Paul Davies, a cosmologist at Arizona State University, wrote, “So might ET have inserted a message into the genomes of terrestrial organism, perhaps by delivering carefully crafted viruses in tiny pace probes to infect host cell with message-laden DNA?”
I should say right now that I am not talking about theology or the near theology known as intelligent design. The ability to stick a message in a cockroach does not make us the designers or creators of the cockroach — only evolution could be so kind or clever.
But I’m a sucker for secret messages. Once, long ago, I stayed up all night with my friends playing the Beatles’ “White Album” backward hoping to hear the words “Turn me on dead man,” referring to the rumored death of Paul McCartney. I’m ready to find Slartibartfast’s signature and rediscover my cosmic heritage.
The sad truth is, as others will tell you, this is a bit like writing love letters in the sand. “I don’t buy it,” said Seth Shostak, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., pointing out that DNA is famously mutable. “Just ask Chuck Darwin,” he added in an e-mail message.
It is the relentless shifting and mutating, the probing and testing of every possibility on the part of DNA, after all, that generates the raw material for evolution to act on and ensures the success of life on Earth (and perhaps beyond). Dr. Davies said that he had been encouraged by the discovery a few years ago that some sections of junk DNA seem to be markedly resistant to change, and have remained identical in humans, rats, mice, chickens and dogs for at least 300 million years.
But Dr. Bejerano, one of the discoverers of these “ultraconserved” strings of the genome, said that many of them had turned out to be playing important command and control functions.
“Why they need to be so conserved remains a mystery,” he said, noting that even regular genes that do something undergo more change over time. Most junk bits of DNA that neither help nor annoy an organism mutate even more rapidly.
The Japanese team proposed to sidestep the mutation problem by inserting redundant copies of their message into the genome. By comparing the readouts, they said, they would be able to recover Einstein’s formula even when up to 15 percent of the original letters in the string had changed, or mutated. “This is the major point of our work,” Nozomu Yachie said in an e-mail message. At the rate of one mutation per generation, Dr. Yachie estimated it could take at least millions of years for the bacteria’s genome to change by 15 percent — a huge change. Only 1 percent separates us from chimps. But other experts say that a stretch of DNA that is at best useless, and perhaps annoying to the little bug could disappear much more rapidly.
Calling the idea of storing information in living DNA “a nifty idea,” Dr. Bejerano said: “The bottom line is if you want something to perpetuate forever, you can’t just come in and type what you want. It would get washed away.”
That dream, he said, “is hopeless with our current knowledge.”
If we want to leave a message that would last for eons, it seems, we have to be clever enough to make sure that the message would remain beneficial to its host pretty much forever.
The challenge for an erstwhile interstellar Johnny Appleseed is to make the message part of the basic nature of its host.
If that ever turns out to be us, if we find that we are the medium, to paraphrase the late Marshall McLuhan, then, in some sense, we are also the message. Never mind who or what are the intended readers.
But if we find, say, the digits of the number pi encoded in a cockroach, I want to have a talk with old Mr. Startibartfast.
Correction: June 28, 2007
An essay in Science Times on Tuesday about the ability to encode information in a genome referred incorrectly to the number of bases, or letters, in the genetic code of a bacterium in which researchers wrote the E=mc2 formula. The bacterium’s genome has about 4.2 million bases, not 400 million
One interesting note in Sitchin's work, among the many, is how he was able to predict the appearance, as in coloring etc., of Neptune BEFORE the satellite photos came back to NASA in 79/80. How was he able to know this? Because of his translation work on ancient Sumerian texts.
So I ask you...if things such as that have happened, and now instances of what is described as below...where should we be looking for answers to questions that for two thousand years "religion" has been unable to answer?
We may all be space aliens: study - Yahoo! News: "PARIS (AFP) - Genetic material from outer space found in a meteorite in Australia may well have played a key role in the origin of life on Earth, according to a study to be published Sunday.
European and US scientists have proved for the first time that two bits of genetic coding, called nucleobases, contained in the meteor fragment, are truly extraterrestrial.
Previous studies had suggested that the space rocks, which hit Earth some 40 years ago, might have been contaminated upon impact.
Both of the molecules identified, uracil and xanthine, 'are present in our DNA and RNA,' said lead author Zita Martins, a researcher at Imperial College London.
RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is another key part of the genetic coding that makes up our bodies.
These molecules would also have been essential to the still-mysterious alchemy that somehow gave rise, some four billion years ago, to life itself.
'We know that meteorites very similar to the Murchison meteorite, which is the one we analysed, were delivering the building blocks of life to Earth 3.8 to 4.5 billion years ago,' Martins told AFP in an interview.
Competing theories suggest that nucleobases were synthesised closer to home, but Martins counters that the atmospheric conditions of early Earth would have rendered that process difficult or impossible.
A team of European and US scientists showed that the two types of molecules in the Australian meteorite contained a heavy form of carbon -- carbon 13 -- which could only have been formed in space.
"We believe early life may have adopted nucleobases from meteoric fragments for use in genetic coding, enabling them to pass on their successful features to subsequent generations," Martins said.
If so, this would have been the start of an evolutionary process leading over billions of years to all the flora and fauna -- including human beings -- in existence today.
The study, published in Earth Planetary Science Letters, also has implications for life on other planets.
"Because meteorities represent leftover materials from the formation of the solar system, the key components of life -- including nucleobases -- could be widespread in the cosmos," said co-author Mark Sephton, also at Imperial College London.
"As more and more of life's raw materials are discovered in objects from space, the possibility of life springing forth wherever the right chemistry is present becomes more likely," he said.
Uracil is an organic compound found in RNA, where it binds in a genetic base pair with another molecule, adenine.
Xanthine is not directly part of RNA or DNA, but participates in a series of chemical reactions inside the RNA of cells.
The two types of nucleobases and the ratio of light-to-heavy carbon molecules were identified through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, technologies that were not available during earlier analyses of the now-famous meteorite.
Even so, said Martins, the process was extremely laborious and time-consuming, one reason it had not be carried out up to now by other scientists.