Blind hope in God, good or bad?

Posted by feenx

Blind hope in God, good or bad?:

I saw a very precarious bumper sticker this morning. It was a play on the TV milk ads. It said, 'Got hope?' It's a very simple statement, or is it?

In all honesty, it very much frustrated me. There is nothing wrong with hope, nor promoting such an idea. I too have hope that humans can regain their humanity. However, when that concept turns into a hard and fast rule on how one lives their lives, it both saddens and upsets me.

Too often I feel humans place undue emphasis on the notion that 'God' will intervene in the world's affairs and instantly all the troubles, past present and future, will be wiped out by the divine hand of creation. What once was will be no more, and all those faithful ones, who kept their 'hope' alive will find justice and favor in god's eyes.

Sounds harmless enough, but what does that concept equal in human actions? Humans tend to start acting like the lab mice failing to find the cheese at the end of the maze. They know it's there. They've searched for it. They've hit plenty of walls. But rather than continuing they simply stop and wait for the scientist (god) to say the test is over and give them their cheese.

At what point did humans become helpless? At what point did taking action and contributing to society (whichever society one is one is a part of) equal saying certain prayers and attending religious services in order to win god's favor while waiting for a reward that is "due" to them?

At what point did two, both equally extreme ideals begin to take shape? The first group who very much see and feel an "evil" in the world, but trust that if they sit back peacefully and walk the straight line their religious leaders have drawn for them, that god will save them and correct the wrongs of other humans. Or the fanatic action takers who see the only way to do god justice is to take on the fight themselves, killing innocent people for their right to paradise?

Do you think that the Sunday morning televangelist asking for your money for his holy ministry is any better?

Perhaps you fancy the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons who knock on your door spreading their good news for your future.

In all of these scenarios what is the common denominator? A human taking an action because they've been told that's what god wants them to do.

I ask you, if god put humans on this earth to perform specific deeds to gain his approval, why give humans free choice? If the ultimate purpose for faithful humans were paradise (whether in a physical or spiritual state), why would god create humans in that environment, only to take it away and tell them to now work for it?

Based on Bible education, hence the basis for "Got Hope," humans have the capability to disrupt god's plan. Let me repeat that, HUMANS have the capability to disrupt GOD'S plan. God did not force Eve to "sin." Satan did not force Eve to "sin." Adam and Eve CHOSE to "sin," thereby creating, all on their own, an imperfect and mortal species. That being the case, why does that same species now thousands of years later wait for god to say, "Wait, I was just kidding. You can be back in paradise now?"

Humans as they stand right now are responsible for their own state. They created themselves. Humans are responsible for the good and the bad on this earth. Regardless of ones belief system there usually is a light and a dark, a good and a bad.

Many use these same polar opposites as explanations for what goes on in the world. If something good happens, it's because they've been blessed. If something bad happens, it's because they've been damned.

The last time I checked, humans in general do not walk around completely possessed by the good or the bad, unable to make their own choices. In fact the very notion that everything that happens is governed by good and evil, god and the devil, is giving that same power of choice back to the very god that it came from in the first place.

It would be the same as the mouse giving the cheese back to the scientist saying, "I'm not sure if I should eat this, so here have it back."

There is a plethora of belief systems on this earth. Each having it's own roots and sacred texts. I am not here to debate on anyone's beliefs.

I simply feel that "hope for the future" could aid much better if the basis of that hope was not divine intervention, but instead the proper use of power and energy that the human race created and continues to operate on as a collective species.

In simple terms, we all bleed the same, we all use the same brainpower, and we all want to be happy.

Do we not have the power to change what we've already created?

New Age Spirituality, Energy, Reincarnation and Healing

Posted by feenx

Indigo Child Healing and Spiritual Aids

Greetings! I am feenx, a light worker (or you may use the term Indigo child). In my journey on the path of enlightenment more and more I find myself intrigued and eager to discuss topics that many consider taboo, are difficult to discuss but that yet bring us all closer together. There is nothing that we shouldn't be able to discuss and share with each other.

My first thought and intention in starting this blog was three fold:

1. Create a place where there can be active and open discussion on spiritual and emotional matters. This can be anything from religious dogma, organized religion, self-spirituality, incarnations, The Grid, Over Souls, psychic and other abilities, Indigo and Crystal children/adults, trauma recovery (e.g. physical/sexual/mental abuse), mental disorders including/specifically Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D., formerly Multiple Personality Disorder, M.P.D.), family and romantic relationships, questions and advice.

2. To supply information for readers to do with as they wish. Many blogs on such topics have a tendency to present their information as fact. I present it as neither fact nor fiction, simply food for thought because ultimately YOU are the only one who can decide what is right for you and you alone.

3. Perhaps most important is the goal to invoke a flush of the senses. We all have a degree of curiosity, child like wonder, perhaps even a spiritual sense of the universe in which we live. Some are more tapped into this than others are, but every single human has questions, hopes and dreams about the vastness we are all connected to and a part of.

I feel that the combination of these three elements provides a fantastic aid to healing, enlightenment and growth. Openly discussing the topics described above helps us put our experiences into perspective while also giving those experiences a useful opportunity to help others. This by far is my utmost goal.

How though can this information help to heal? "Heal" is such a broad term. More specifically I feel the information we can present on this blog can inform, give comfort and hope, perhaps help you feel less alone and ultimately can help all of us on our journey to heal not only emotionally, but mentally and spiritually as well. A by product of this information can also enable healing in a religious manner. This by no means constitutes healing "spiritually," as religion and spirituality are two separate things.

I firmly believe that spirituality is something different and unique for each individual, and not something a mere writer should inhibit or presume to be an authority on in any fashion.

In my opinion for anyone who comes from a highly religious (or other severe influential background), to enable healing one must look at themselves objectively, with honesty, rather than through the glasses religion forces you to wear. Doing so is essentially looking in the mirror while wearing a mask. There is only so much that can be discerned about oneself when there are limitations, definitions and restrictions about what "self" is from the very beginning. defines self as "a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one's own self."

Just like with any repair project, you must be taken apart before you can be put back together. It may only be one element or part of you, or it may be the entire system, but with those religious glasses removed, even if just temporarily, you facilitate yourself to heal more effectively.

Furthermore, it is not my intention to promote or denounce any emotional or spiritual state, personal morals, belief system, or religion.

When I first started speaking of and writing on such topics my parents, who are very dedicated Jehovah's Witnesses, stated that it is likely my perspective of Jehovah's Witnesses and organized religion as a whole is skewed, based on my childhood experiences. This could very well be true. However, that does not mean that my perspective is incorrect. Just as someone who survives a brutal car accident is weary of driving, so am I a survivor of a brutal childhood environment, weary of abuse, religion and our collective mental status. As a society, do we become so accustomed to everyday dangers that we have in effect desensitized ourselves, and therefore do not realize the potential harm in our lives? Are everyone's experiences with family and religion the same? No. Does the lack of a bad experience mean one's environment was only good, and those who see things differently are simply misled by an anomaly in environment? I ask you to simply consider the information presented and decide for yourself.

We all are influenced in our thought and emotions by something, whether it's religion, the Bible, philosophy, literature, democracy, capitalism, etc. However, when we take such influences at their word as being the one true and "right" course of action, especially when it affects how we live our daily lives, DAILY lives, we are turning our back on making a conscious decision.

This holds true in therapy, healing and spirituality. Before one can truly heal or grow, a decision must be made to do so. For some it's a conscious decision. For others it's an unconscious one. In fact, they may not realize they've made the decision to start their healing or spiritual journey until they find themselves on the road to recovery and growth and refuse to stop.

Whichever ones circumstance is we have all done the same thing, we've chosen to strive for emotional and spiritual health, regardless the consequences. No matter the change within us that may occur, the fear of the unknown or the discoveries of things buried deep inside our minds and hearts, we have all chosen to change.

With that conviction equals responsibility. We are truly responsible, perhaps for the first time ever, for ourselves. No more can we with a blind eye accept "life" and "happiness" or "unhappiness" with the definitions imposed on us by so-called higher powers. We are on our own path, some long, some short, but all of them for the betterment of self. Without this conviction, the goal of truth for each of us, the world is essentially one big sandbox to stick your head in. There are many things to occupy you, but you'll never know who it really is you're occupying.

Therefore, the intention of this blog is for you to come away with a desire to truly heal, to grow or to continue on the path you've already started. My hope is that you feel a sense of accomplishment and much self love. We all deserve to be happy. Let me say that again, as it will be a focal point throughout. YOU DESERVE to be truly HAPPY.

What that happiness actually means is up to you.

feenx works from home while maintaining a blog discussing the above topics as well as those submitted by readers.

see more at:


Posted by feenx

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