
Posted by feenx


I wanted to apologize if any readers have had issues over the last 24 hours accessing the site. I recently registered a custom domain, www.indigoinsight.org, and the transition has been a little bumpy as I am not the best with web issues. However, Wayne from www.waynejohn.com is going to help this weekend, so come Monday things should even better than before!

I am very eager to this taken care of as I have several blogs I want to publish, but haven't been able to get them up because of the back end issues.

I hope to have some time to post today and this weekend.

Thanks to all the readers!

Shorter Posts

Posted by feenx


Wayne from WayneJohn recommended I make my posts shorter and update them more frequently. I think he is totally correct. It will make things much easier to read and digest.

SO if anyone has been turned off by the length of the articles so far, I apologize. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback.

Orbs in Pictures: Are They Spirits?

Posted by feenx


Recently I have seen some amazing pictures with orbs. An example is the above picture. This was taken around midnight at a local cemetery. I can tell you the orb you see is not the moon or some kind of other light reflection as there were no lights near by. There was nothing visible to the eye floating in the sky, yet you can see what the camera saw and picked up.

What are these orbs? Are they spirits? Are they a form of energy? It is an interesting question to ponder indeed.

There are plenty of such photos you can see online, such as this site here .

Have any such photos of your own? Please share :)

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Auras: Do They Exist

Posted by feenx


I am so excited to finally be able to publish this article, as it has been quite a bit of information gathering and there is an abundance of side roads that can be taken with this wealth of information. My hope is to stay focused on the topics mentioned above, and as the discussion expands through reader comments and questions, we can explore all those avenues.

To begin with, I’d like to set the mental mood for taking in this information. As independent Homo sapiens, we have the ability of choice. In everything we do we make a choice. For the sake of truly digesting the information in this article, I would ask that all predispositions of “reality” be put aside for a few minutes. As Albert Einstein put it, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

That being said, I’m not here to push any theory or statement on you. We all must look within ourselves for the ring of truth. Let’s get started!

The Aura: Existence?

In the western realm, such as the U.S., the term aura usually is associated with the new age movement. The “New Age” movement conjures up an array of assumptions from many people ranging from a new term for hippies to a politically correct term for occultists or pagans.

The actuality is that the aura is something that pre-dates the church itself. In fact, to even refer to it as a pagan term or thought would inaccurate.

Throughout quite diverse cultures, there are spiritual traditions and beliefs centered on the belief in auras, and as it is spread out all over the Earth, you will find multiple terms for it.

India had spiritual practices, dating back 5,000 years, regarding Prana which when translated from Sanskrit literally means: Vital energy or life principle. Literally, "vital air," from the root pran, "to breathe."

The Chinese, dating back 3,000 years called it Qi or Qigong.

The Jewish Kaballah refers to it as Astral Light.

In the 12th century Dr. Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault founder of The Nancy School said, “Humans have an energy that can react on someone else's energy, either at a distance or close by.”

In the 19th century the German scientist Franze Mesmer redefined hypnosis, techniques which are still used today, and suggested that the “a field similar to an electromagnetic field might exist around the human body.” Later in the 19th century, Carl Reichenback referred to it as the Odic Source. His book, Physico-physiological Researches on the Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemism, In Their Relation to Vital Force, printed in New York in 1851, stated that the odic force, like poles, attract similar energies. His experiments showed that electropositive elements gave his subjects feelings of warmth, and that this produced unpleasant feelings. In the reverse, electronegative elements produced cool and agreeable feelings.

Just with the above-mentioned instances there are stark contrasts in cultures, geographic location and time periods, yet they ALL have belief systems and practices based around this human energy field (HEF). Also note, that through all of these references, there is not a common source listed for this knowledge. E.g., Christianity spread with the creation of the Catholic Church and the Bible, hence Christianity as a whole spread all over the world from one source.

However, in the above examples this is not the case. The Sanskrit translations of prana had no bearing on the Kabbalah. Yet, this large number of people from all walks of life taught the same basic premise.

Hence the study and belief of auras is nothing new, in fact is far from it. That leads us to the next part of the question. If it’s not new age but instead an ancient teaching, what have modern studies been able to prove about auras?

The Aura: Modern Studies

In 1911 Walter Kilner
devised a way of seeing the HEF or aura. Looking through glass screens stained with dicyanin dye, he saw a glowing mist around the body in three distinct zones:
1. A 1/4 inch layer closest to skin;
2. A more vaporous layer, 1 inch wide, streaming perpendicularly from the body;
3. A delicate exterior luminosity with indefinite contours, about 6 inches wide.

His work was later published in New York in 1965 and entitled The Human Aura, in which he stated that this HEF varied from person to person based on their physical, emotional and mental health. With this information he was able to record commonalities he saw within people who were suffering from certain ailments and in later times was able to diagnose such health issues within people.

He successfully treated many conditions, including epilepsy, liver disease, tumors, appendicitis, and hysteria. Research based on his work continues to this day in Europe.

Perhaps the most well known researcher in this arena is Semyon Kirlian
who invented what is now known as Kirlian photography. By photographing plants, they were able to see static images, which they then applied to human fingers. Then with their own, patented, photography equipment used this technique to see the variances in the HEF, and was able to apply this and point out the differences in the HEF between healthy subjects and those harboring a disease.

By now, if you’re anything like me your head feels a little cramped right about now. Though these past studies are all important I usually like to sum them up very simply by telling myself that past studies laid the groundwork for what we now can see through the current state of our technology. Similar to the difference between cramming my head with all the details of how Henry Ford invented his horseless carriage versus jumping ahead to the current technology.

So let’s take a jump!

Aura: The Science of It

As we learned in school, there is great power in life. Plants must have sunlight in order for proper photosynthesis, which in turn helps produce the very air we are breathing right now. Light can also have a negative effect on us, such as too much UV light, which can cause numerous problems for the human body such as skin cancer.

As stated by Colourenergy.com “Our most important energy source is light, and the entire spectrum of colours is derived from light. Sunlight, which contains all the wavelengths, consists of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that we depend on to exist on this planet.

Light flows through our eyes and triggers hormone production, which influences our entire complex biochemical system. This biochemical system then affects our being. And light does not travel alone. Light travels with other energies as illustrated below.

We know that each colour found in the visible light spectrum has its own wavelength and its own frequency, which produces a specific energy and has a nutritive effect. We know some rays can be dangerous if we are exposed to them. But the visible light, the rainbow, has a soothing effect on us.”

Based on what we have covered so far there have been multiple examples of people seeing SOME kind of emanation from the human body. There are those that would argue that really doesn’t prove anything. Just because something present doesn’t mean it, there is cohesion between its existence and ours. That’s a very valid point. However even in studies conducted for a completely different purpose, there are interesting facts that clue us in the validity of auras.

Take a small journey back to 1998. The Y2K fear is spreading and a large part of the technological boom is cell phones. Now it would seem everyone is using them. The question was raised whether or not this new technology could potentially harm anyone.

As report by Science Daily Dr. Gerard Hyland conducted a study on the effects of microwave radiation (such as those found in cell phones) on the human body. What did he discover as a by-product of his research?

“This summer Dr Hyland will give two papers at international conferences outlining his research into the phenomenon that biological systems, including the human body, generate and emit extremely low intensity radiation in the form of photons (a microscopic packet of light energy), and that these photon emissions are not random but display coherence.”

They display COHERENCE. Not only does the human body emit light energy, but that energy has coherence.

Let’s go a step further. ;)

Gustave Naessens, a French microbiologist who is still carrying out his research in Canada, through hematology studies has found tiny particles of dancing light present in human blood that were too small to identify. He then invented what he calls a somatascope, a microscope with a magnification of 30,000 times, and a resolution of 150 angstroms.

Through this equipment, he studied these particles, naming them the somatid, and states that without this somatid cell division can’t take place. He believes, “that the somatid is the original spark of life, the pinpoint where energy condenses into matter," and that the "somatid represents the manifestation of cosmic energy in a tiny, moving dot of physicality," as printed in A New Answer to Cancer in 'Well-Being', September/October, 1993.

What does all this us? Let’s take a quick tally of what we’ve covered. Multiple ancient cultures and belief structures have an array of writings covering the HEF. Researchers in later times developed techniques to view this HEF. Modern science with the aid of technology has learned that these light particles truly at the very fiber of humans, and that this energy has coherence.

Have scientists come right and said we all have auras? No. In addition, I surmise it will yet be some time before any of them make such a statement, if at all. Staunch evolutionists refuse to believe in a higher power, and staunch religious advocates refuse to believe in evolution. This debate will continue yet for a time.

I personally am thankful for these polar opposites, this yin and yang. The very stubborn nature of science to prove, without a doubt, in front of their own very eyes propagates the motivation for humans to re-create something they can’t explain in experiments. This attitude by far can be quite powerful. Why? Because it puts the power of humanity back in the hands of humans.

In the same vain the beliefs that religion instills in people is also helpful. Putting aside the doctrines, dogma and politics that comes with any religion, it teaches people to believe in something more than what they see in the mirror everyday. This based on a “knowing” that is felt, not scientifically proven.

Though they currently are often on different sides of the cosmic conundrum, they each serve a purpose.

My question to you is…what would happen if you could mesh the two together?

If as humans we could accept both creation AND science as part of our core being, letting the two naturally enhance the other, two poles coming together, would that not truly enhance the very essence that is this experiment we call humanity?

Our belief in something more, something we feel, something we know used as a basis and in harmony with the motivation of science to prove and re-create, in my humble opinion, would help all of us.

The possibilities truly are endless. I would invite readers to tell us what you think could be done if the two began working together. If you could use such knowledge to do ANYTHING, what would it be?

In that vein, what if I told you this had already happened? What if I told you that in fact we are a walking experiment, of the combination of science and creation, of science and spirituality?

Well my friend, then you must read the future articles. The upcoming articles on Indigo children will cover this, as well as aura colors and their meaning, and some speculation about aura details of historical figures.

Stay tuned!


Psychic Reading

Posted by feenx


I had such a wonderful experience last night that I had to share it with all you. The LOVELY Ms. Daniell at The Spirit Guide gave me a fantastic psychic reading. She is in Canada and did it over the computer, via a picure I sent her. I must say I was very pleased with her accuracy, and her energy felt fantastic! I have added her feed to Indigo Insight, and I highly recommend checking her site. THANK YOU DANIELL!

I also need to give a big shoutout to Wayne from WayneJohn who helped with the coding for the new look of Indigo Insight, and who has given me much encouragement with this blog and getting it out there. THANKS WAYNE!!

Finally, I stumbled on to a website last night that is be re-vamped and I can't wait until it's back up. They do have a myspace you can check out, it's linked on their page. I recommend checking out 3eg. Wonderful artwork, as displayed below.

Happy Saturday everyone!


Posted by feenx

I personally find this fascinating, especially as I grew up in a very strict religious environment where to this day many are at the least uncomfortable and at the most terrified of homosexuals. I never understood this, and can't help but chuckle how more discoveries are made as to the origins of humans and their behavior that for so long has been rebuked when in fact it's simple human nature.

Enjoy :)

Post Wire Services

June 17, 2008 -- The brains of gay men and women look like those found in straight people of the opposite sex, research suggests.

A Swedish study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, compared the size of the brain's halves in 90 adults. In gay men and straight women, each half was similar in size; the right side was bigger in lesbian women and straight men.

'In other words, the brain network which determines what sexual orientation actually 'orients' towards is similar between gay men and straight women, and between lesbian women and straight men,' Dr. Qazi Rahman of the University of London told the BBC.

'As far as I'm concerned, there is no argument any more - if you are gay, you are born gay.'

Scientists have noticed for some time that homosexuals of both sexes have differences in certain cognitive abilities, suggesting there may be subtle differences in their brain structure.

This is the first time, however, scientists have used brain scanners to try to look for the source of those differences.

The test group of gay and straight men and women was scanned by Karolinska Institute scientists to measure the volume of both sides, or hemispheres, of their brains.

When the results were collected, it was found lesbian women and straight men shared a particular "asymmetry" in their hemisphere size - but straight women and gay men had no difference between the size of the different halves.

In other words, structurally at least, gay men were more like straight women, and gay women were more like straight men.

A further experiment found that in one particular area of the brain, the amygdala, there were other significant differences.

In heterosexual men and lesbian women, there were more nerve "connections" in the right side of the amygdala, compared with the left.

The reverse was true in the case of gay men and straight women, with more neural connections in the left amygdala.

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Posted by feenx

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DNA - Encoded Messages - Dennis Overbye - Essay - New York Times

Posted by feenx

Going along with the Indigo Child series, and the upcoming articles on Auras and dimensions, this will be the first in a series of articles on DNA. Now I do DO NOT claim to be a scientist or anything remotely close to one, hence why I am re-publishing an entry on the New York Times website. Science is not my best subject, so hopefully as we get into it I can get my point across without sounding like a moron ;)

Read the article below and I have no doubt it will get your brain juices flowing, just like it did for me.

Future articles will tie this information in with the connection between DNA and Indigo Children, the connection between the latest discoveries in Science and how that correlates with what the Sumerians talked about, and how those statements made by Sumerians have been proven true in modern times.

It's allllllll connected ;)


DNA - Encoded Messages - Dennis Overbye - Essay - New York Times: "Human DNA, the Ultimate Spot for Secret Messages (Are Some There Now?)
Jimmy Turrell

In Douglas Adams’s science fiction classic, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” there is a character by the name of Slartibartfast, who designed the fjords of Norway and left his signature in a glacier.

I was reminded of Slartibartfast recently as I was trying to grasp the implications of the feat of a team of Japanese geneticists who announced that they had taught relativity to a bacterium, sort of.

Using the same code that computer keyboards use, the Japanese group, led by Masaru Tomita of Keio University, wrote four copies of Albert Einstein’s famous formula, E=mc2, along with “1905,” the date that the young Einstein derived it, into the bacterium’s genome, the 4.2-million-long string of A’s, G’s, T’s and C’s that determine everything the little bug is and everything it’s ever going to be.

The point was not to celebrate Einstein. The feat, they said in a paper published in the journal Biotechnology Progress, was a demonstration of DNA as the ultimate information storage material, able to withstand floods, terrorism, time and the changing fashions in technology, not to mention the ability to be imprinted with little unobtrusive trademark labels — little “Made by Monsanto” tags, say.

In so doing they have accomplished at least a part of the dream that Jaron Lanier, a computer scientist and musician, and David Sulzer, a biologist at Columbia, enunciated in 1999. To create the ultimate time capsule as part of the millennium festivities at this newspaper, they proposed to encode a year’s worth of the New York Times magazine into the junk DNA of a cockroach. “The archival cockroach will be a robust repository,” Mr. Lanier wrote, “able to survive almost all conceivable scenarios.”

If cockroaches can be archives, why not us? The human genome, for example, consists of some 2.9 billion of those letters — the equivalent of about 750 megabytes of data — but only about 3 percent of it goes into composing the 22,000 or so genes that make us what we are.

The remaining 97 percent, so-called junk DNA, looks like gibberish. It’s the dark matter of inner space. We don’t know what it is saying to or about us, but within that sea of megabytes there is plenty of room for the imagination to roam, for trademark labels and much more. The King James Bible, to pick one obvious example, only amounts to about five megabytes.

Inevitably, if you are me, you begin to wonder if there is already something written in the warm wet archive, whether or not some Slartibartfast has already been here and we ourselves are walking around with little trademark tags or more wriggling and squiggling and folded inside us. Gill Bejerano, a geneticist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who mentioned Slartibartfast to me, pointed out that the problem with raising this question is that people who look will see messages in the genome even if they aren’t there — the way people have claimed in recent years to have found secret codes in the Bible.

Nevertheless, no less a personage than Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the double helix, writing with the chemist Leslie Orgel, now at the Salk Institute in San Diego, suggested in 1973 that the primitive Earth was infected with DNA broadcast through space by an alien species.

As a result, it has been suggested that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI, should look inward as well as outward. In an article in New Scientist, Paul Davies, a cosmologist at Arizona State University, wrote, “So might ET have inserted a message into the genomes of terrestrial organism, perhaps by delivering carefully crafted viruses in tiny pace probes to infect host cell with message-laden DNA?”

I should say right now that I am not talking about theology or the near theology known as intelligent design. The ability to stick a message in a cockroach does not make us the designers or creators of the cockroach — only evolution could be so kind or clever.

But I’m a sucker for secret messages. Once, long ago, I stayed up all night with my friends playing the Beatles’ “White Album” backward hoping to hear the words “Turn me on dead man,” referring to the rumored death of Paul McCartney. I’m ready to find Slartibartfast’s signature and rediscover my cosmic heritage.

The sad truth is, as others will tell you, this is a bit like writing love letters in the sand. “I don’t buy it,” said Seth Shostak, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., pointing out that DNA is famously mutable. “Just ask Chuck Darwin,” he added in an e-mail message.

It is the relentless shifting and mutating, the probing and testing of every possibility on the part of DNA, after all, that generates the raw material for evolution to act on and ensures the success of life on Earth (and perhaps beyond). Dr. Davies said that he had been encouraged by the discovery a few years ago that some sections of junk DNA seem to be markedly resistant to change, and have remained identical in humans, rats, mice, chickens and dogs for at least 300 million years.

But Dr. Bejerano, one of the discoverers of these “ultraconserved” strings of the genome, said that many of them had turned out to be playing important command and control functions.

“Why they need to be so conserved remains a mystery,” he said, noting that even regular genes that do something undergo more change over time. Most junk bits of DNA that neither help nor annoy an organism mutate even more rapidly.

The Japanese team proposed to sidestep the mutation problem by inserting redundant copies of their message into the genome. By comparing the readouts, they said, they would be able to recover Einstein’s formula even when up to 15 percent of the original letters in the string had changed, or mutated. “This is the major point of our work,” Nozomu Yachie said in an e-mail message. At the rate of one mutation per generation, Dr. Yachie estimated it could take at least millions of years for the bacteria’s genome to change by 15 percent — a huge change. Only 1 percent separates us from chimps. But other experts say that a stretch of DNA that is at best useless, and perhaps annoying to the little bug could disappear much more rapidly.

Calling the idea of storing information in living DNA “a nifty idea,” Dr. Bejerano said: “The bottom line is if you want something to perpetuate forever, you can’t just come in and type what you want. It would get washed away.”

That dream, he said, “is hopeless with our current knowledge.”

If we want to leave a message that would last for eons, it seems, we have to be clever enough to make sure that the message would remain beneficial to its host pretty much forever.

The challenge for an erstwhile interstellar Johnny Appleseed is to make the message part of the basic nature of its host.

If that ever turns out to be us, if we find that we are the medium, to paraphrase the late Marshall McLuhan, then, in some sense, we are also the message. Never mind who or what are the intended readers.

But if we find, say, the digits of the number pi encoded in a cockroach, I want to have a talk with old Mr. Startibartfast.

Correction: June 28, 2007

An essay in Science Times on Tuesday about the ability to encode information in a genome referred incorrectly to the number of bases, or letters, in the genetic code of a bacterium in which researchers wrote the E=mc2 formula. The bacterium’s genome has about 4.2 million bases, not 400 million

We may all be space aliens: study - Yahoo! News

Posted by feenx

I saw the following news article posted on the Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum (JWD) and thought it would be relevant here as well. Isn't it interesting that some of the very things that the ancients talked about, e.g. the Sumerians, are now being proven by "modern" science. If the following article interests you I HIGHLY recommend reading anything by Zecharia Sitchin. He's written books such as The 12th planet and Genesis Revisited. I am still in the midst of reading Genesis Revisited myself, in fact anyone who wants a copy of the ebook, go ahead and email me.

One interesting note in Sitchin's work, among the many, is how he was able to predict the appearance, as in coloring etc., of Neptune BEFORE the satellite photos came back to NASA in 79/80. How was he able to know this? Because of his translation work on ancient Sumerian texts.

So I ask you...if things such as that have happened, and now instances of what is described as below...where should we be looking for answers to questions that for two thousand years "religion" has been unable to answer?

We may all be space aliens: study - Yahoo! News: "PARIS (AFP) - Genetic material from outer space found in a meteorite in Australia may well have played a key role in the origin of life on Earth, according to a study to be published Sunday.

European and US scientists have proved for the first time that two bits of genetic coding, called nucleobases, contained in the meteor fragment, are truly extraterrestrial.

Previous studies had suggested that the space rocks, which hit Earth some 40 years ago, might have been contaminated upon impact.

Both of the molecules identified, uracil and xanthine, 'are present in our DNA and RNA,' said lead author Zita Martins, a researcher at Imperial College London.

RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is another key part of the genetic coding that makes up our bodies.

These molecules would also have been essential to the still-mysterious alchemy that somehow gave rise, some four billion years ago, to life itself.

'We know that meteorites very similar to the Murchison meteorite, which is the one we analysed, were delivering the building blocks of life to Earth 3.8 to 4.5 billion years ago,' Martins told AFP in an interview.

Competing theories suggest that nucleobases were synthesised closer to home, but Martins counters that the atmospheric conditions of early Earth would have rendered that process difficult or impossible.

A team of European and US scientists showed that the two types of molecules in the Australian meteorite contained a heavy form of carbon -- carbon 13 -- which could only have been formed in space.

"We believe early life may have adopted nucleobases from meteoric fragments for use in genetic coding, enabling them to pass on their successful features to subsequent generations," Martins said.

If so, this would have been the start of an evolutionary process leading over billions of years to all the flora and fauna -- including human beings -- in existence today.

The study, published in Earth Planetary Science Letters, also has implications for life on other planets.

"Because meteorities represent leftover materials from the formation of the solar system, the key components of life -- including nucleobases -- could be widespread in the cosmos," said co-author Mark Sephton, also at Imperial College London.

"As more and more of life's raw materials are discovered in objects from space, the possibility of life springing forth wherever the right chemistry is present becomes more likely," he said.

Uracil is an organic compound found in RNA, where it binds in a genetic base pair with another molecule, adenine.

Xanthine is not directly part of RNA or DNA, but participates in a series of chemical reactions inside the RNA of cells.

The two types of nucleobases and the ratio of light-to-heavy carbon molecules were identified through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, technologies that were not available during earlier analyses of the now-famous meteorite.

Even so, said Martins, the process was extremely laborious and time-consuming, one reason it had not be carried out up to now by other scientists.


Indigo Child video

Posted by feenx

There is a series on Youtube called The Indigo Evolution (some posters, like the one in the link I am supplying refer to it as The Indigo Revolution, however the credits in the documentary clearly says "Evolution").

It can come off a bit corny at times, no doubt about that. However it does have good information. Particularly the story told by the mother of a very young girl who knew intimate details of her grandmothers funeral, who had died before the child was born. These details had never been told to the toddler, yet she recalled them at ease. This part is towards the end of part two in the series.

Here is the link:

Enjoy :)

What IS an Indigo Child?

Posted by feenx

Indigo Child:

"What IS an 'indigo child?' - BY an Indigo Child
Part I

A new reader posed the question, 'What is an indigo child?' What a fantastic question! I will do my best to clearly and concisely answer the question, both with my experience and with outside references. In order to understand the full scope of things, I will be making this a multi part series.

The very BASIC concept of an indigo child is (in my own words): A modern incarnation of an old soul, who is here on Earth in a specific capacity to guide and teach others both through example and communication.

Some of you have never heard the term 'indigo child' before, while others have heard it and dismissed it as wishful thinking by parents of troubled kids, or perhaps an all too easy idea conceived by New Age enthusiasts.

Why is this? I believe it is caused by fear and ego. When someone hears that a child displays understanding beyond their years as well as abilities that most humans are unable to match, an attitude of perceived elitism begins, leading to skepticism.

I will go on record right now with this plain and simple FACT: An indigo child is no different from you or anyone else. The mental, emotional, physical and psychic abilities they display are wonderful and vivid and the exact same things all humans have the ability to do. The difference is indigo's are simply more open and sensitive sensitive to these phenomena than others, and they CHOOSE to follow those feelings.

The term "indigo child" first came into the public eye in the 1982 book Understanding Your Life Through Color by Nancy Ann Tappe, a synesthete and psychic, who claimed to see people's aura's and that of late she was seeing an influx of what she described as "indigo" colored auras, specifically in children.

(I'm sure some are wondering and/or are skeptical about "auras." I will be posting an article on aura's, focusing on what the ancients believed, and what modern science is now discovering.)

An aura simply put is the energy emitted by every living thing. All living things have a certain amount of energy they produce, and an aura is an outward reflection of that energy. Think of it as being able to see your breath on a cold day. You're not breathing any different, but because of the climate, you are able to see carbon dioxide expelled from your body. An aura too is always there, however not everyone has trained their eyes to see it.

As more indigo children were observed they all began to display qualities and abilities marking them as different from their peers. These unique qualities seemed to be something many indigo children had in common with each other.

The term "indigo child" grew into a trend in 1998 with the publishing of the book The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by husband and wife Lee Carroll and Ann Tober.

Since that publication, there have been documented behavioral traits that are common denominators that indigo children exhibit. Some of these are (as stated by Wendy H. Chapman):

1. Have strong self esteem, connection to source
2. Know they belong here until they are told otherwise
3. Have an obvious sense of self
4. Have difficulty with discipline and authority
5. Refuse to follow orders or directions
6. Find it torture to wait in lines, lack patience
7. Get frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity
8. Often see better ways of doing things at home and at school
9. Are mostly nonconformists
10. Do no respond to guilt trips, want good reasons
11. Get bored rather easily with assigned tasks
12. Are rather creative
13. Are easily distractable, can do many things at once
14. Display strong intuition
15. Have strong empathy for others or NO empathy
16. Develop abstract thinking very young
17. Are gifted and/or talented, highly intelligent
Are often identified or suspected of having ADD or ADHD, but can focus when they want to
18. Are talented daydreamers and visionaries
19. Have very old, deep, wise looking eyes
20. Have spiritual intelligence and/or psychic skills
21. Often express anger outwardly rather than inwardly and may have trouble with rage
22. Need support to discover themselves
23. Are here to change the world - to help us live in greater harmony and peace with one another and to raise the vibration of the planet

In my opinion, many of those traits are something common among kids in general. Kids will be kids, and at times they all act restless, astound adults with the wisdom they speak and exhibit creative and other gifts from an early age.

If I could point out a few of the more pertinent characteristics, they would be issues with authority, refusing to follow orders, the frustration at ritual oriented systems, intelligence and their psychic skills. On a side note, I have yet to meet another indigo who did not have very captivating, intense almost hypnotizing eyes and spirit about them.

There are also traits that I would add to that list (as seen in other lists you may come across). These would be problems in school, both socially and academically. A constant notion and feelings of a grander purpose, something they personally need to do, but don't know what it is. Displaying pronounced perception of people they encounter, e.g. reading emotions and intent very well from a young age.

As an indigo begins to awaken and embrace themselves these common traits displayed begin to grow into specific abilities, based on each one's purpose or "job" and skills they've developed in other lives.

These can be such things as precognitive dreams and/or visions, empathic abilities, extra sensitivity to and communication with spirits, mind reading, energy control and telekinesis, to name just a few.

Putting myself in your shoes, reading this for the first time, I am sure there is a mixture of skepticism and questions. My guess is that part of you is intrigued and excited to read more, while another, perhaps slightly more dominant side, questions the legitimacy of the statements I've made.

Well perhaps I can put this to you in a bit of a different way. Imagine yourself back in say the 50's. Education is on the rise. People are buying television sets, there is a telephone in every house and there is grand amount of new music coming out. America is in the midst of the Cold War. There are new new sub cultures arising and the ever expanding issue of civil rights. This is the world you know. Every issue relevant to your life is before you.

Now what if someone came to you and said they had an invention that will change your life. It will change and enhance the way you communicate with others, the way you do business even the very economy itself. This device would give you the ability to talk on the phone from anywhere you wanted. The car, in a park, on a mountain, on a boat, and that the telephone device would even be smaller than the phone you're currently using. This life changing technological advancement will even be so affordable that every man woman and child will be able to afford their own. What would your reaction be?

Some would embrace. Some would dismiss. However, today, in 2008, the cell phone is a major part of our society.

The same is true with the message and abilities that indigo's are here to spread. What may seem far fetched, fantasy or off in the too distant future is actually right in front of you.

If I can take another stab at what you're thinking, perhaps it goes something like this:
"Ok, lets say for sake of argument all this is true. Indigo children do exist and display behavior and traits that set them apart. So then how did they get here, where did they come from, why are they here and what does that have to do with me?"

If you have any of those questions my friend, then you must stay tuned and read Part II in the series. In the next articles we will discuss these questions, as well as scientific indicators correlating with this information, specifically human DNA. Yes that's right...science is now discovering things that have been known for years, but because it was unproven with a microscope, it was dismissed as simply myth, until now.


~May your feet always step forward on your path~

Spiritual and Religious Beliefs

Posted by feenx


Recently a good friend and I got on the topic of religious and spiritual beliefs. She had recently “fallen away” from the beliefs she was raised with, non denominational Christianity. I asked what she believes now, here’s her reply:

I'm still in a holding pattern as far as my beliefs. I would like to think there is something bigger out there and sometimes well alot of times I send a prayer out because it does give me a peace of mind. It's almost like I give the worry away by sending it out in a prayer. and I believe it is important to love all people no matter your differences. Kindness of heart and humility. I am always on a path of growth and recognize that others are to. I try in every situation to handle in a good way, in a loving way. I try to be more conscious of Mother earth and recycle. So I guess those are some of my main beliefs. I guess more rules to live by. But I don't define my spirituality by a denomination. I enjoy reading about Buhdda and his lessons because I feel they hold the true meaning of love and not judgement. I dunno.

What do you believe?

My beliefs were not summed up so briefly, and still felt that I had not yet scratched the surface. Perhaps I need to work on being a bit more brief. Here is my reply:

Well I believe that there is a higher power, however as humans in this existence we have not come to a place to know this higher power and develop the relationship that most label as a relationship with God. What humans feel that they equate that with is a spiritual relationship with themselves, and the rest of humanity.

I believe we, as a human race, are all connected. It is essentially like a switchboard, that though we all have our individual buttons, we are all connected the same. As such, we have the choice whether to connect to what is beyond that switchboard, or to each other. Some choose to do, some don’t.

I believe that what people feel as spirituality, when they have that innate sense within them that feel is the hand of God, it is actually the divine within themselves, and the connection with others that they are feeling. Based on Jesus’ teachings, same with Buddha just different cultures (in fact there are many that hold that Jesus and Buddha were essentially the same type of beings, those that had completed their path) the gnostics taught that what Jesus was referring to was actually to open and get in touch with that piece of divine in all of us, and that doing so would bring gnosis (knowledge). That knowledge then leads to further enlightenment as you begin a relationship, of sorts, with your higher self. Imagine human spirituality as an onion. The Sunday churchgoers and “Jesus saves” enthusiasts, spiritually speaking, are in the kitchen chopping onions. When their eyes water they equate that to being touched by Jesus or God. In reality that is simply the first layer, and if they choose to keep peeling away those layers what they would eventually find at the core...is themselves.

The potential once this core is found is limitless. Human potential is beyond what even so called experts can fathom. We use a fraction of our brains, in comparison to the universe and the earth itself, humans are infantile. One of the biggest downfalls of humans is their arrogance.

George Lucas made a wonderful point about this in an interview I recently saw. He said if you take human progression and put it on a scale, from the earliest humans to now, he equated it at starting from 1, until now being at say about 5. People look back and see all the progress made and feel good about themselves at much of a higher being they are now, that much closer to 10. Except...the scale goes to a million.

Lucas said that the “cave men” thought they knew it all. When that wheel was invented well then that was all they needed. Humans now think they know it all.

I feel that people look back and see the steps they’ve taken, and because the steps are so far beyond what earlier man could’ve imagined, well than that must mean humans are getting close to their full potential. What is a human full potential? No one knows. We let our minds settle on what is a full potential simply because someone tells us that’s as far as we can go, or because no one has gone any farther. Both of which are futile arguments.

E.g. Christopher Columbus. The entire world, including all of it’s best minds, KNEW the earth was flat.
E.g. The Earth. Years ago, humans KNEW the Earth was the center of the universe.
E.g. Science. Years ago scienctists KNEW there was only three dimensions. Now they’ve discovered what, upwards of 11 I believe.

So why are humans so stubborn to keep believing that this current form, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual is the best they can accomplish? Well...because they’re humans. And as much potential as there is, right now that’s all it is, potential.

I believe there will come a time when the current way of operating will no longer work. That a change in how humanity operates will be forced, whether it’s wanted or not. Many will be receptive to this. And many wont.

Those who are receptive of this will begin to, or continue to peel away those onion layers. As they humans as a whole will begin to change, and with that change will come better understanding, better knowledge, and true enlightenment.

Once that happens, call it what you want, nirvana, nothingness, a spirit life....whatever label you want. But certainly not the end of existence. In fact, I would venture to say that humans understanding of say nirvana will be completely different at that point.

The way I see it, right now humans are looking for a diploma thinking they’re about to graduate, and they merely just got out of kindergarten. They are looking to answer questions, such as why am I here, what is my purpose, where do we go when we die, is there a supreme, divine, authority in the universe...all of which are excellent and valid questions. But they’re asking them with the physical and spiritual minds of a kindergartner. They are neither ready nor willing to yet accept the reality of the cosmos, which they are a part of.

I believe, in short, that in time that will change. And the definitions of “faith” and “beliefs” will be re-written.

So you asked me what I believe in. I believe in me. I believe in you. I believe in the collective, and the energy it maintains. And because it’s a collective and not a single unit, that means choice.

So I believe in my choice, and I believe in your choice.

I would like to open up a discussion about each individuals beliefs. What are they, and why?

Blind hope in God, good or bad?

Posted by feenx

Blind hope in God, good or bad?:

I saw a very precarious bumper sticker this morning. It was a play on the TV milk ads. It said, 'Got hope?' It's a very simple statement, or is it?

In all honesty, it very much frustrated me. There is nothing wrong with hope, nor promoting such an idea. I too have hope that humans can regain their humanity. However, when that concept turns into a hard and fast rule on how one lives their lives, it both saddens and upsets me.

Too often I feel humans place undue emphasis on the notion that 'God' will intervene in the world's affairs and instantly all the troubles, past present and future, will be wiped out by the divine hand of creation. What once was will be no more, and all those faithful ones, who kept their 'hope' alive will find justice and favor in god's eyes.

Sounds harmless enough, but what does that concept equal in human actions? Humans tend to start acting like the lab mice failing to find the cheese at the end of the maze. They know it's there. They've searched for it. They've hit plenty of walls. But rather than continuing they simply stop and wait for the scientist (god) to say the test is over and give them their cheese.

At what point did humans become helpless? At what point did taking action and contributing to society (whichever society one is one is a part of) equal saying certain prayers and attending religious services in order to win god's favor while waiting for a reward that is "due" to them?

At what point did two, both equally extreme ideals begin to take shape? The first group who very much see and feel an "evil" in the world, but trust that if they sit back peacefully and walk the straight line their religious leaders have drawn for them, that god will save them and correct the wrongs of other humans. Or the fanatic action takers who see the only way to do god justice is to take on the fight themselves, killing innocent people for their right to paradise?

Do you think that the Sunday morning televangelist asking for your money for his holy ministry is any better?

Perhaps you fancy the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons who knock on your door spreading their good news for your future.

In all of these scenarios what is the common denominator? A human taking an action because they've been told that's what god wants them to do.

I ask you, if god put humans on this earth to perform specific deeds to gain his approval, why give humans free choice? If the ultimate purpose for faithful humans were paradise (whether in a physical or spiritual state), why would god create humans in that environment, only to take it away and tell them to now work for it?

Based on Bible education, hence the basis for "Got Hope," humans have the capability to disrupt god's plan. Let me repeat that, HUMANS have the capability to disrupt GOD'S plan. God did not force Eve to "sin." Satan did not force Eve to "sin." Adam and Eve CHOSE to "sin," thereby creating, all on their own, an imperfect and mortal species. That being the case, why does that same species now thousands of years later wait for god to say, "Wait, I was just kidding. You can be back in paradise now?"

Humans as they stand right now are responsible for their own state. They created themselves. Humans are responsible for the good and the bad on this earth. Regardless of ones belief system there usually is a light and a dark, a good and a bad.

Many use these same polar opposites as explanations for what goes on in the world. If something good happens, it's because they've been blessed. If something bad happens, it's because they've been damned.

The last time I checked, humans in general do not walk around completely possessed by the good or the bad, unable to make their own choices. In fact the very notion that everything that happens is governed by good and evil, god and the devil, is giving that same power of choice back to the very god that it came from in the first place.

It would be the same as the mouse giving the cheese back to the scientist saying, "I'm not sure if I should eat this, so here have it back."

There is a plethora of belief systems on this earth. Each having it's own roots and sacred texts. I am not here to debate on anyone's beliefs.

I simply feel that "hope for the future" could aid much better if the basis of that hope was not divine intervention, but instead the proper use of power and energy that the human race created and continues to operate on as a collective species.

In simple terms, we all bleed the same, we all use the same brainpower, and we all want to be happy.

Do we not have the power to change what we've already created?

New Age Spirituality, Energy, Reincarnation and Healing

Posted by feenx

Indigo Child Healing and Spiritual Aids

Greetings! I am feenx, a light worker (or you may use the term Indigo child). In my journey on the path of enlightenment more and more I find myself intrigued and eager to discuss topics that many consider taboo, are difficult to discuss but that yet bring us all closer together. There is nothing that we shouldn't be able to discuss and share with each other.

My first thought and intention in starting this blog was three fold:

1. Create a place where there can be active and open discussion on spiritual and emotional matters. This can be anything from religious dogma, organized religion, self-spirituality, incarnations, The Grid, Over Souls, psychic and other abilities, Indigo and Crystal children/adults, trauma recovery (e.g. physical/sexual/mental abuse), mental disorders including/specifically Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D., formerly Multiple Personality Disorder, M.P.D.), family and romantic relationships, questions and advice.

2. To supply information for readers to do with as they wish. Many blogs on such topics have a tendency to present their information as fact. I present it as neither fact nor fiction, simply food for thought because ultimately YOU are the only one who can decide what is right for you and you alone.

3. Perhaps most important is the goal to invoke a flush of the senses. We all have a degree of curiosity, child like wonder, perhaps even a spiritual sense of the universe in which we live. Some are more tapped into this than others are, but every single human has questions, hopes and dreams about the vastness we are all connected to and a part of.

I feel that the combination of these three elements provides a fantastic aid to healing, enlightenment and growth. Openly discussing the topics described above helps us put our experiences into perspective while also giving those experiences a useful opportunity to help others. This by far is my utmost goal.

How though can this information help to heal? "Heal" is such a broad term. More specifically I feel the information we can present on this blog can inform, give comfort and hope, perhaps help you feel less alone and ultimately can help all of us on our journey to heal not only emotionally, but mentally and spiritually as well. A by product of this information can also enable healing in a religious manner. This by no means constitutes healing "spiritually," as religion and spirituality are two separate things.

I firmly believe that spirituality is something different and unique for each individual, and not something a mere writer should inhibit or presume to be an authority on in any fashion.

In my opinion for anyone who comes from a highly religious (or other severe influential background), to enable healing one must look at themselves objectively, with honesty, rather than through the glasses religion forces you to wear. Doing so is essentially looking in the mirror while wearing a mask. There is only so much that can be discerned about oneself when there are limitations, definitions and restrictions about what "self" is from the very beginning.

Dictionary.com defines self as "a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one's own self."

Just like with any repair project, you must be taken apart before you can be put back together. It may only be one element or part of you, or it may be the entire system, but with those religious glasses removed, even if just temporarily, you facilitate yourself to heal more effectively.

Furthermore, it is not my intention to promote or denounce any emotional or spiritual state, personal morals, belief system, or religion.

When I first started speaking of and writing on such topics my parents, who are very dedicated Jehovah's Witnesses, stated that it is likely my perspective of Jehovah's Witnesses and organized religion as a whole is skewed, based on my childhood experiences. This could very well be true. However, that does not mean that my perspective is incorrect. Just as someone who survives a brutal car accident is weary of driving, so am I a survivor of a brutal childhood environment, weary of abuse, religion and our collective mental status. As a society, do we become so accustomed to everyday dangers that we have in effect desensitized ourselves, and therefore do not realize the potential harm in our lives? Are everyone's experiences with family and religion the same? No. Does the lack of a bad experience mean one's environment was only good, and those who see things differently are simply misled by an anomaly in environment? I ask you to simply consider the information presented and decide for yourself.

We all are influenced in our thought and emotions by something, whether it's religion, the Bible, philosophy, literature, democracy, capitalism, etc. However, when we take such influences at their word as being the one true and "right" course of action, especially when it affects how we live our daily lives, DAILY lives, we are turning our back on making a conscious decision.

This holds true in therapy, healing and spirituality. Before one can truly heal or grow, a decision must be made to do so. For some it's a conscious decision. For others it's an unconscious one. In fact, they may not realize they've made the decision to start their healing or spiritual journey until they find themselves on the road to recovery and growth and refuse to stop.

Whichever ones circumstance is we have all done the same thing, we've chosen to strive for emotional and spiritual health, regardless the consequences. No matter the change within us that may occur, the fear of the unknown or the discoveries of things buried deep inside our minds and hearts, we have all chosen to change.

With that conviction equals responsibility. We are truly responsible, perhaps for the first time ever, for ourselves. No more can we with a blind eye accept "life" and "happiness" or "unhappiness" with the definitions imposed on us by so-called higher powers. We are on our own path, some long, some short, but all of them for the betterment of self. Without this conviction, the goal of truth for each of us, the world is essentially one big sandbox to stick your head in. There are many things to occupy you, but you'll never know who it really is you're occupying.

Therefore, the intention of this blog is for you to come away with a desire to truly heal, to grow or to continue on the path you've already started. My hope is that you feel a sense of accomplishment and much self love. We all deserve to be happy. Let me say that again, as it will be a focal point throughout. YOU DESERVE to be truly HAPPY.

What that happiness actually means is up to you.

feenx works from home while maintaining a blog discussing the above topics as well as those submitted by readers.

see more at: http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com


Posted by feenx

feenx - whereIstand.com